Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I Guess it Rains Down in Africa!

Well, it feels like I've been planning this trip in my head for the last three years and I can't believe we're about to leave! We're all vaccinated and getting set to combat the mosquitos.

I'm going with Tim and our friend Kristy to volunteer in Livingstone, Zambia with the organization African Impact. We will be assisting in the Maramba clinic and working in the outpatients department, maternity and observation wards, HIV/AIDS support group work and educational outreaches to local schools. Additionally, African Impact has just started a new project organized by 30 Livingstone community volunteers to help HIV/AIDS, malaria and TB patients in the community who are too sick and unable to come to the clinic in town. This project is supported by funds raised from a community farming project and uses the money for medical care, supplies and food for the patients we visit.

On our way down to Livingstone we have a long layover/short stay in Johannesburg, South Africa. I am so excited to learn more about this city and see some of the important historical sites. My mom has introduced me over email to a "long lost" cousin who lives there, Barbara, who has very generously offered to show us around.

We're leaving on August 31 and are scheduled to return on October 2. If you're interested, keep checking this page for updates. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be able post pictures as well throughout the experience.

That's it for now! Take care and keep in touch.


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