Quick Update
Just happened to be at the internet cafe this afternoon.
We are working at the Maramba Clinic in the mornings, as usual. Today was baby weighing for children under 5. Children must be weighed every month. The scale hangs from a metal beam and holds the baby in a canvas bag. Then we record the weight and determine if the baby is eligible for any vaccinations. We are supposed to "scold" the mothers when they miss a month. This tends to be a bit uncomfortable. If the baby is underweight, we inquire whether the baby has been sick and encourage the mothers to wait in the long line to see the attending doctor or nurse.
This afternoon was very fun. We went out to the Home Based Care Center about 1/2 KM from the Maramba Clinic. We help with their gardening/farming which helps support the volunteers, patients, and general funding of the organization. We have been out there a few times, but today was special. Liz led an HIV/AIDS support group and taught them some Yoga!!! It was very funny, yet inspirational to watch. I briefly showed them some hand exercises, but then got embarassed and went back to watering the "farm."
Our time continues to be fun (except for the ham and tongue sandwich we had today for lunch).
This weekend is a trip to Zimbabwe. We'll update sometime after.
With love,
Liz and Tim
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